
6-Week-Old Death Linked to COVID-19

Today, the Governor of Connecticut Ned Lamont reported on Twitter that a 6-week-old newborn died with causes linked to COVID-19. Testing last night confirmed that the newborn was COVID-19 positive.

The 6-week-old is believed to be the youngest victim of coronavirus across the world.

While early reporting on COVID-19 showed that children were not likely to develop serious conditions if infected, new studies and reports suggest positive outcomes are not always the case. In Europe, two teenagers died in recent days after testing positive for COVID-19. At the same time, a 14-year-old in China has also been reported to have died from the coronavirus.

A study of over 2,000 children in China shows that babies in particular are vulnerable to developing severe symptoms if infected with COVID-19.

Across the board, children still have much more favorable outcomes if infected. Looking at age groups, young adults are the most likely to have mild symptoms and make up a small percentage of all reported cases. However, experts are currently unsure exactly why COVID-19 affects adults more significantly.

Even if children mostly have mild cases, getting infected means they can still contribute to the spread of COVID-19. And that only makes it more difficult to track down an exact number of cases and slow the spread of the pandemic.

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