Every 17 Minutes, Someone in New York is Dying of COVID-19

With 84 new deaths in New York on both Thursday and Friday, coronavirus is taking the life of someone in New York City every 17 minutes, reports the International Business Times.
The death rate in New York is accelerating at an alarming level. Current totals indicate 46,262 COVID-19 cases in NYC, along with 606 deaths.
Hospitals are filling up and nearing capacity. With over 1175 patients currently being treated in ICU units, many hospitals are concerned that they’re days away from being unable to help patients seeking treatment.
The city is taking steps to make additional accommodations available. Notably, the US Army is helping the city set up a makeshift hospital at the Javits Center, the city’s largest convention center, to set up an additional 3,000 makeshift hospital beds.
The USNS Comfort, a US Navy ship, will act as a floating hospital as well, and is said to be expected to pull into one of the city’s harbors on Monday.
Despite many measures put into place to keep the city’s citizens at home, New York is still seeing several thousand new cases per day.Source: NYC.gov
If there’s any potential silver lining, it’s good to see that the daily rate of new cases has peaked, for now, on 3/25 – suggesting that social distancing measures may be helping to slow the spread of coronavirus in New York.
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