Worldwide Coronavirus Cases Double in One Week From 181,000 to 370,000+

Based on the numbers aggregated by Johns Hopkins University, the total number of COVID-19 cases worldwide today has passed 370,000. In the past week, the total number of cases more than doubled from 181,100 according to the data. At the same time, the number of deaths has passed 15,000 after that number nearly tripled over the last week.
The figures come with a warning that the virus is accelerating its spread.
As a result, a number of states are increasing measures to ensure that citizens practice social distancing.
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announced today an order for all state residents to stay at home for two weeks. The order is in effect starting March 25 and lasts through April 7.
Earlier in the morning, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued an order for a statewide shelter to start on Monday. The order limits operations to critical services, outdoor activities, and activities critical for health and safety.
At the same time, Governor Mike DeWine announced a “stay-at-home” order for residents of Ohio. The order is in place until at least April 6.
For States which have not yet issued similar orders, city officials are taking action on their own. Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins ordered residents to stay at least six feet away from other people when on walks, and limited other social gatherings including weddings and funerals.
The measures are indented to reduce the spread of coronavirus and “flatten the curve” in order to not overwhelm the hospital system.